Climate Control for your business

In an office environment, cleaner air improves staff efficiency and increases productivity and reduces sick building syndrome.

In the retail and leisure sectors, customers dwell longer if their environment is comfortable

A temperature-controlled customer is a happy customer, happy customers increased dwell time results in additional revenue for businesses.


Why have air conditioning when our summers only last for a few weeks?
Not only does air conditioning cool, but it also filtrates, de-humidifies and provides highly efficient heating during the winter months.

I do not want to commit to a large capital outlay

Leases can be arranged for business users with low weekly terms which are highly tax efficient and at the end of the term enable you to purchase your system for a nominal sum.

How do I maintain the system?

Our units are easily maintained and if requested, we can include 12 months maintenance within our quotation.

This maintenance cost can be seamlessly incorporated within the finance deal.

When my system is installed, will be there be any disruption?

Disruption will be kept to an absolute minimum. Engineers are trained to work in all types of commercial, retail and domestic environments and will always take your needs into consideration.

Are there any incentives for installing more energy efficient air conditioning systems?
The Enhanced Capital Allowance Schemes enable businesses to claim 100% first year capital allowances on investments in energy saving technology such as Inverter cooling and heating products.